you'll have 2 Minutes to answer each question.
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Irrevocable (not able to be changed, reversed, or recovered; final.)
(a) Change
(b) Done
(c) Unalterable
(d) Reversible
Done ((of food) cooked thoroughly.,no longer happening or existing. )
Unalterable (not able to be changed.)
Reversible (able to be turned the other way around.)
Adorn (make more beautiful or attractive.)
(a) Trust
(b) Writer
(c) Suspect
(d) Beautify
Suspect (have an idea or impression of the existence, presence, or truth of (something) without certain proof)
Beautify (improve the appearance of.)
Repose (place something, especially one's confidence or trust, in.)
(a) Place
(b) Keep
(c) Rest
(d) Replace
Commotion (a state of confused and noisy disturbance.)
(a) Cheer
(b) Imbalance
(c) Disturbance
(d) Movement
Cheer: shout for joy or in praise or encouragement.
Imbalance (lack of proportion or relation between corresponding things.)
Disturbance : (the interruption of a settled and peaceful condition.)
Movement: (an act of changing physical location or position or of having this changed.)
Nurture (care for and encourage the growth or development of.)
(a) To encourage
(b) To grow
(c) To see
(d) To maintain (cause or enable (a condition or state of affairs) to continue.)
To encourage: (give support, confidence, or hope to (someone).
To maintain (cause or enable (a condition or state of affairs) to continue.)
(a) Regain
(b) Refuse
(c) Repair
(d) Reduce
Abuse (use (something) to bad effect or for a bad purpose; misuse.)
(a) Use
(b) Praise
(c) Scorn
d) Raise
Praise : (the expression of approval or admiration for someone or something.)
Scorn : (the feeling or belief that someone or something is worthless or despicable; contempt.)
Raise: (lift or move to a higher position or level.)
8. Docile (ready to accept control or instruction; submissive.)
(a) Submissive
(b) Stubborn
(c) Strong
(d) Changeable
Submissive : ready to conform to the authority or will of others; meekly obedient or passive.
Stubborn : (difficult to move, remove, or cure.)
Changeable: (able to change or be changed.)
Considerate (showing careful thought.)
(a) Agreeable
(b) Kind
(c) Like-minded
(d) Thoughtful
Agreeable : (enjoyable and pleasurable; pleasant.)
Kind : (a group of people or things having similar characteristics.)
Like-minded : (having similar tastes or opinions.)
Thoughtful : (absorbed in or involving thought.)
Irresolute (showing or feeling hesitancy; uncertain.)
(a) Undecided
(b) Angry
(c) Ignorant
(d) Firm
Undecided : (of a person) not having made a decision.
Angry : (having a strong feeling of or showing annoyance, displeasure, or hostility; full of anger.)
Ignorant : (lacking knowledge or awareness in general; uneducated or unsophisticated.)
Firm : (having a solid, almost unyielding surface or structure.)